Guide To UCAS Applications: Do’s and Don’ts

UCAS Applications

UCAS Applications

Many university courses are extremely competitive and hard to get a place on. Despite the rise in tuition fees, thousands of students from across the UK still want to further their education, gain valuable qualifications and better their careers. But with places being in such short supply, it is important that your UCAS application is perfect.

The UCAS deadline for art and design courses in the UK is pending so now is the time that you should be starting to write your application. By organising well in advance, there is less risk in making grammatical and spelling mistakes. Write a draft, leave it a couple of days and then go back to it and the fresh pair of eyes will pick up on any typo errors. If you want to have any chance of getting on your case you need the application to be on point, methodically structured and free from blunders. So don’t leave it until the eleventh hour to start it because it will only get rushed and end up looking messy.

Not sure where to start and struggling for inspiration? Jot down everything you want to say in bullet points and then use this as your basic framework. Order all the annotations in a methodical format and start writing. Make sure you include all your skills and abilities, don’t be afraid to promote yourself. But be cautious about boasting about your talents, no-one likes arrogance. If you do have experience or a part time job that is relevant, get it in. So if you have taught art for a local charity group, or had work experience for a corporation, brag about it.

A tip is to ask your parents or your tutor to look over it. Sometimes another person can offer constructive criticism so be organised and start it in advance so there is plenty of time to let a peer or teacher read it. You need to take the honest feedback on board and apply it to make your application better than anyone else’s!

Read back over it and ask yourself, can I make it more concise? Can I improve that sentence to make it clearer? Have I included all the basic requirements by noting all grades? Check, check and check again. There is nothing wrong with being careful. For more student tips, speak to