Business Communications – The Importance of Physical Mail in a Digital Age

The speed and immediacy offered by electronic communication has been recognised since the very first email was sent by computer engineer Ray Tomlinson in 1971. In that particular case it was simply a test message sent to himself, from one computer to another sitting right beside it and it was transmitted via ARPANET, an early Read more…

Importance of PR campaigns

It’s no wonder that most of us are not very sure about PR campaigns and that we tend to confuse this with marketing campaigns. If you have occasionally confused the two, then hopefully this article will clarify a few things for you. This article will deal in depth about PR campaigns: how are they different Read more…

How Are New Car Insurance Premiums Determined?

Car insurance companies in UK and the rest of the world use different methods to determine amount of premiums payable on a new policy. To calculate premiums payable, insures will employ sophisticated computer software programs based on car owners personal and demographic data. Driving history A car owner’s driving history will have a lot to Read more…