How to Help Our Buzzy Friends on World Bee Day in 2023


Cheers to World Bee Day! Every year on this day, we commemorate the value of bees to the world ecology and consider ways to support them. There is no doubt that the use of pesticides, environmental changes, and habitat loss have all contributed to the decline in bee populations. What can you do to reverse this trend?


The truth is that you can boost bee populations in a variety of ways, many of which are simple. There are several ways you can have a good impact, such as planting flowers or staying away from specific pesticides. In this piece, we’ll go over exactly what you can do to assist our buzzy buddies on World Bee Day in 2023 (and beyond). Let’s get going!


What is world bee day?


The 20th of May is designated as World Bee Day to honor bees and other pollinators, who are responsible for more than 75 percent of the world’s food crops. How therefore can you assist these vital creatures? Here are some wonderful things you can do to help our bumble companions on World Bee Day in 2023.


  • On your land, create a bee-friendly atmosphere. Plant trees, shrubs, and flowers that will draw pollinators and serve as a constant source of nectar and pollen. As pesticides can kill bees, butterflies, and other useful insects, avoid using them.


  • Take part in citizen science initiatives. Bee population health is monitored by citizen science initiatives, which provides important information on their decrease and guides conservation efforts. Find local citizen science initiatives in your region that need volunteers to gather information on bees and other pollinators in the area.
  • Encourage projects for sustainable agriculture. Choose to purchase food from producers who employ environmentally friendly farming techniques that safeguard pollinators like bees, such as avoiding the use of insecticides and other potentially hazardous chemicals. Additionally, think about how the food you purchase affects water use and land waste because conventionally cultivated fruit necessitates more pesticides, which can be harmful to bee populations.


Nigerian beekeeping experience


Join a beekeeping experience in Nigeria to support our buzzy buddies on World Bee Day in 2023


What to Expect From the Experience of Beekeeping

You will learn about the local beekeepers and their customary beekeeping practices throughout this excursion. The two-day program is jam-packed with information on bees and their advantages. 

  1. You’ll visit an apiary and hear from a local beekeeper about sustainable beekeeping techniques during the tour.
  2. Learn how to securely harvest honey using several approaches.
  3. As you travel the communities on a donkey, look at the conventional shea production methods.
  4. Enjoy a picnic in the open African bushes while learning about the local plant species.


By taking part in this exceptional event, you will not only learn about Nigeria’s rich culture but also get an understanding of what can be done to safeguard bees and local farmers at the same time!


Bees’ Vital Role in Our Environment


Don’t be fooled—bees are little organisms that play a vital part in our environment, even though we rarely think of them beyond their terrifying stingers or the delicious honey they generate. Bees are an essential component of the world’s ecosystem because they pollinate the plants and flowers that surround us. Our environment suffers when bees are in difficulty.

How significant are bees specifically? 


Here are some important details:

  • Over 90% of wild plants and 70% of crops are pollinated by bees globally.
  • Bee pollination is essential to the growth and production of more than 70 crop types, including fruits and vegetables.
  • Three out of every four bits of food are created by animal pollination, primarily by honeybees.

Clearly, the role of bees in our environment is paramount—they help regulate global ecosystems and directly impact our food security and economy. Therefore, it’s important to celebrate World Bee Day 2023 by taking action to support them!


How to Grow a Garden That Is Bee-Friendly

The ideal moment to do something wonderful for our beloved bees is on World Bee Day in 2023! The greatest approach to assist them is by creating a garden that is bee-friendly. You’ll not only receive a lovely garden in your own backyard, but you’ll also be doing your part to conserve the bees. This is how:

Select the Correct Plants

Do you know which plants are more beneficial to bees than others? Choose native plants like black-eyed Susan, cardinal flower, lupine, cone flowers, and purple coneflower that are abundant in pollen and nectar for bees in your area.


Offer a place to stay and water

Bees require more than just food; they also require protection from the elements. So that they have shelter from rain or chilly weather, plant trees and shrubs. Additionally, make sure there is sufficient water available, such as birdbaths or a shallow saucer filled with gravel so that birds may safely land and drink from it.

Stay Natural

Avoid chemical pesticides and fertilizers since they have the power to eradicate entire bee colonies with just one application. Choose natural pest management techniques instead, such as putting ladybugs in your garden or dousing an anthill with soapy water. By World Bee Day in 2023, once you’ve put in all this effort to build a bee-friendly garden, you may relax and let nature take its course.


Actions You Can Take to Support Local Bees

Why not begin the process of becoming a beekeeper on World Bee Day? A fantastic approach to learn about the lifecycle of bees and how to maintain a healthy hive is to sponsor a beehive and begin beekeeping.

You can take the following actions:

Do some research to expand your understanding.

Taking advice from others will make you a more successful beekeeper. There are many online resources, including YouTube courses and blogs about bees. If you’re new to beekeeping, begin by assembling the hive and learning the fundamentals of bee foraging.


Spend money on the appropriate tools.

After conducting your research, you’ll need to spend money on the required tools, such as beehives, hives stands and feeders, protective clothes, and smoker fuel. You don’t want quick cures that will leave you disappointed, so look around for high-quality products!

Consult your neighborhood’s laws and rules.

You should research the local laws and rules that apply in your area to manage your hives properly and lawfully; you don’t want to get into any legal difficulties! Then decide on a site where your beehive can receive a lot of sunlight while being protected from strong winds or other weather factors that can upset it.


And lastly 

Our buzzing friends, the bees, owe us a lot. Let’s encourage bee-friendly activities and promote sustainable beekeeping on World Bee Day in 2023. Let’s designate areas in our yards and neighborhoods for plants and flowers that are good for bees. Let’s also raise awareness of the value of bees and their plight among ourselves and others. In order for future generations to survive, we must guarantee that bee populations are healthy. In order to rescue our planet’s buzzing pals, let’s all do our part to aid the bees.